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Geshem - Membership Policy 
גשם - נהלי רישום, תשלום וביטול

  1. Membership fees: Participation in the Tzofim activity involves registering for the activity and paying an annual membership fee.

  2. The purpose of the payment: The payment for the activities of the Tzofim is calculated as an annual payment and includes fixed expenses and overheads for example renting of premises, insurance, cost and weekly travel of the Shinshiniyot (our scout's leaders from Israel for a period of the year), materials and equipment, etc. To Clarify, this payment does not include participation in Specific events such as Spring and Summer camps, purimon or other activities which will be announced in due course for which a separate payment will be required.

  3. Start and end date of the activity year: The Shevet’s weekly activity times are approximately 17:00 – 18:30 (for school year groups 2-7) and 18:30 - 20:00 for older children and Shachbag most Sundays. There is usually no activity on Jewish or English holidays and school holidays. There will be specific Sundays where there will not be any activities due to our Madrichot being away but you will be notified of these in advance.

  4. Membership fees: Membership fees are as follows (in £’s):

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5. Payment for the 23/24 activity year will be as follows::

  • The first payment (due on or before 3rd December 2023) will consist of 55% of the total amount due.

  • The second payment (due on or before 3rd March 2024) will consent to the 45% remaining balance from the total amount due.

  • Each payment can be split into 3 equal payments (via and subject to PayPal credit terms).


All payments can be made online on this website under the PAY page

6. Trial run: New members only will be entitled to attend up to 2 consecutive weekly activities. After the end of the trial period, he will be asked to complete the registration & payment process by paying for the activity in accordance with the date they joined. New members must receive upfront approval from Daniel Toubkin, head of the Shevet by email at before attending any activity.

7. Cancellation of registration: The first £60 out of the total payment is non-refundable in the event of non-participation. Refund requests, with full details of the child with reasons should be sent to Daniel Toubkin, head of the Shevet by email at 

8. Scholarships/bursaries: The goal of Tzofim activity is to form a home and a family for every child who chooses to do so. We certainly do not wish to prevent joining due to financial, temporary or long-term difficulties. We invite you to contact us in case of any problem or difficulty and we will be happy to help. Requests with full details of the child with reasons should be sent to Daniel Toubkin, head of the Shevet by email at

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